Brimbank Corps
Brimbank Corps
2a Roseleigh Bvd (cnr Roseleigh Bvd and Sydenham Rd)
Our Activities
Worship service
Sunday 10.00am
An opportunity to worship God in a style that is both contemporary and traditional. We begin church with everyone together before the children leave for their own Christian based teaching and activities. Morning tea follows our worship and throughout the year we also have a church lunch.
Worship band
Friday 7.30pm
Held monthly this group prepares our music for Sunday worship.
Women's Ministry Bible Study
Monday 10.00am
A time to enjoy the company of other women over a cuppa, study the Word of God and discuss subjects of mutual interest. The women also support each other in life matters.
Suavis Community Choir
Thursday 7.30pm
For those who enjoy singing and want to share the experience with other like-minded people. The choir meet on Thursday nights during school terms and take part in concerts throughout the year.
Senior Youth Bible Study 18+
The first, third and 5th Sunday of the month, 12.00pm
Meet with others from our local community to develop new friendships and explore faith together.
Maintenance group
Thursday 10.00am
Every Thursday maintenance is undertaken around our facilities and grounds including lawn mowing, general cleaning and other odd jobs.
mainly music
Wednesday 10.00am
The mainly music program is a Christian based program which was founded in New Zealand. The session runs for one-hour as follows:
- 30 minutes—music program: the children and parents/carers will have an opportunity to learn, develop and have fun through music.
- 30 minutes—Free play: During this time the children can take a break and enjoy their BYO snack while giving the parents opportunity to have a chat over morning tea. A waiting list is currently in place for these groups.
Junior Soldiers
Second and fourth Sunday of the month, 10.30am
A fun and engaging program for primary school kids, teaching about Christianity as well as the history and culture of The Salvation Army.
Doorways enquiries
6/147 Harvester Road Sunshine
The Salvation Army Community Support Services Phone: 03 8873 5288
Children's ministries
Sunday 10.00am
We recognise the importance of investing in children and provide two age-based groups on a Sunday for children:
- Sparkler’s 3-6 year-olds
- Kids Church year 1-7