Please help a family like Kate’s have a home in time for Christmas
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All over Australia families are dealing with low wages, insecure jobs, a spiralling housing crisis, and the ongoing fallout from COVID-19. All at once.
And with Christmas coming, they are also struggling with the shame and guilt of letting their children down on the day we are all supposed to celebrate hope and joy.
This time last year, it happened to Kate and Mick, hard-working people who were trying to build something for their children.
They lost everything... their business, their income, and their home. Right in the middle of a housing crisis, they found it impossible to find a new place, and in desperation went to live on a campsite.
“We told the kids we were going on a big camping adventure. But we weren’t really camping. We were homeless.”
There are too many families right now who don’t have a safe home to live in. Your generosity is the Christmas miracle they’re waiting for.