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How do I deal with Trolling?

15 October 2013

How do I deal with Trolling?


Trolling is when a user intentionally causes distress by posting inflammatory comments on a public forum like Twitter, Facebook, or other social online media.

You can protect yourself and others against trolling by taking the following actions:

Ignore the troll /

Don't respond to nasty, immature or offensive comments. Giving trolls the attention they want only gives them more power.

Block the troll /

Take away their power by blocking them. If they pop up under a different name, block them again.

Report trolls /

Report trolls to site administrators. If they pop up under a different name, report them again. If they continue, contact the police.

Talk with family and friends /

If a troll upsets you, talk about it with friends and family and remember, it's not you, it's them.

Protect friends from trolls /

if trolls are upsetting a friend, tell them to ignore, block and report. Tell their family and other friends and encourage them to seek support.

If you would like to talk to someone about your experience with Trolls or any concerns you might have you can call Salvo Care line on 1300 36 36 22, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  We will listen to you and help you out.


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