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What now? How do I live a full life as Gods friend?

Athletes work hard, they spend all their time training for their whole life in order to win a prize. Their aim is to become super fit and do the best that they can do.

BBC London 2012 Olympic Games advert (full length)


As people who are God's friends we need to train as well, just like athletes we are in a race and need to discover how to run the race of life that God has given us.  

It’s not always easy being God's friend, but know that YOU can rely on God! Live a full life as God's friend, get the most out of life and learn to T.R.A.I.N.

Talk to God

Talking to God can be done anywhere, anytime, talk to God like a friend, no special words are needed just be honest, like you were talking to your best friend. Talk to God about the things that you are thinking about.

Read the bible  

God wants us to grow in our relationship with Him, when you do this you will find out what God is like. The bible helps us know how to live life best, it is a guide for us to follow.

Attend Church

It’s important to find other people who can help you train properly and train with you, someone to connect with and help you in the good times and the hard times. We need other people around us who also believe in God so we can learn from them and they can learn from us.

Imitate God 

The world tells us to imitate/copy TV shows, pictures in magazines, or anything that is popular or looks good on the internet. We don’t have to always try to be better than other people or try hard to look like other people, all we need to do is learn who God is and follow him.

Now live it out

Train hard becoming Gods friend. Stay tuned in to who God is, Talk to him, Read your bible, Attend church or youth group,  Imitate what you see God doing and hang out with friends who show that you are wonderfully made.