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What is prayer?

Prayer is talking to God. Communicating to Him about what’s going on in our life and sharing our deepest thoughts, struggles or exciting opportunities we are given.

Prayer is different for everyone. Some people prefer to pray on their own. Others will be interested in praying with a leader, or with friends. Prayer is an opportunity to express yourself however you would like to.

How do I pray?

You can pray however you want, anywhere, anytime, talk to God like a friend, you don’t need any special words, just be honest. Talk to God about the things that are on your mind.  He wants to talk to you! Thank God, praise him, share with God, ask God for forgiveness.

Why should I pray?

Because it grows our relationship with God stronger. Could you imagine trying to have a best friend without communicating with them? Prayer is seeking God and His direction for our lives. Praying also helps keep us out of trouble. God wants us to talk to him and grow in our relationship with him.

Who should we pray for?

Anyone that comes into our mind, our friends, our family, school, anyone who is struggling, people who you don’t know. You can ask God who could pray for.