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Acts of Random Kindness

Doing something nice for people because you want to will bring a smile to many people’s faces, this is called an A.R.K. (Act of Random Kindness).

ARK is doing something nice for someone, but with no reward or thanks. You do it because you want to show compassion and kindness to others.

Jesus said to his followers (disciples) that if they help people who are hungry, or sick, or naked, or in prison they are really helping Jesus. (Matthew chapter 25 verses 31 to 46).

You may have your own ideas of what to do, but here are some ideas for you:

  1. Stop and open the door at the shops for an older person.
  2. When mowing your front lawn, mow the neighbours front foot-path areas.
  3. Place some fresh picked flowers in a vase beside your mum's bed.
  4. Do something nice for your teacher
  5. Offer to help an older person push their shopping trolley to their car.
  6. If you see rubbish sitting on a table in the food court pop it in the bin.
  7. If you see an Ambo, Fire or Police officer just say "thank you" to them.
  8. Return a shopping trolley to the collection area in the car park.
  9. Help one of your friends at school with their homework.
  10. Call or send a card to someone who is sick.
  11. Say "thank you" to your parent/s.
  12. Be generous with compliments; find something about people around you that you think is a good thing.
  13. Bake some cupcakes for your neighbour.
  14. Make someone laugh by telling them a joke.
  15. Be polite and smile at people.
  16. When your parents/s ask you to do something do it.
  17. Read a book to a younger person.

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