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Justin's Jokes # 30

Justin's Jokes # 30

7 November 2013

Q: What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive? Read more

Justin's Jokes # 23

Justin's Jokes # 23

5 June 2013

Question: What stays in the corner and travels all around the world? Read more

Justin's Jokes # 16

Justin's Jokes # 16

5 June 2013

Question: Why did the picture go to gaol? Read more

Justin's Jokes # 7

Justin's Jokes # 7

5 June 2013

Question: What do you call and alligator in a vest? Read more

Justin's Jokes #21

Justin's Jokes #21

23 May 2013

Question: What did the water do to the boat? Read more

Justin's Jokes # 13

Justin's Jokes # 13

23 May 2013

Question: How do you make a tissue dance? Read more

Justin's Jokes # 5

Justin's Jokes # 5

23 May 2013

Question: Why did the man put his money in the freezer? Read more

Justin's Jokes # 20

Justin's Jokes # 20

14 May 2013

Questions: What animal can jump higher than the Sydney Harbour Bridge? Read more

Justin's Jokes #12

Justin's Jokes #12

14 May 2013

Question: What's a koala's favourite drink? Read more

Justin's Jokes # 4

Justin's Jokes # 4

14 May 2013

Question: what is a crocodile's favourite game? Read more

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