Increasing our Australian Disaster Relief support – How you can help…
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Please donate today to help Aussies affected by natural disasters.
A natural disaster or an emergency can hit anywhere, at any time. Lives turn upside down in a matter of hours. Your generous gift will help The Salvation Army Emergency Services (SAES) team and volunteers deliver much needed support to those impacted and will ensure that we can continue to provide essential and immediate hardship grants and material support to people impacted by disasters and emergencies, and we can provide catering and support to emergency services first responders wherever crises strike in Australia.
The Salvos have been supporting crisis impacted Aussies for over 80 years, we were there before and after Cyclone Tracey hit Darwin, and when fires, floods and storms have devastated every state and territory, and often even when a single fire takes out a house – you can trust the Salvos because (most often) we were part of your community before the crisis and we will be there with you long after others have moved on.
Relief and response
The Salvos are there when people need help now just to survive and be safe: we’ll provide a safe place to sleep, material resources, immediate hardship grants and emotional care; and when emergency services workers are in the thick of it, the Salvos can be there feeding them and providing a clean and safe place to rest.
In the first few weeks after a crisis the Salvos will provide immediate hardship grants, vouchers for clothes and furniture, and ongoing emotional care.
The Salvos are part of Aussie communities, we are your neighbours and partners before a crisis, and we have people and organisations that can help you prepare for potential crisis. But we also know (from our own experience) that the months after a crisis can be frustrating and frightening if people feel forgotten and left behind. The Salvos are in it (with you) for the long haul, we will have your back. The Salvos can continue to provide counselling and care for months, and even years, so no one needs to feel alone.
But our resources are being stretched to the limit. We urgently need your help to support people and families left devastated by natural disasters.
Please make a generous donation now, to support people and families left devastated by disaster across Australia.