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The Salvation Army Supports National Redress Scheme

1 September 2015

The Salvation Army looks forward to the federal government publishing the report and recommendations in relation to the provision of redress for survivors of abuse which it has received from the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Leader of The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory, Commissioner James Condon, said “The release of the recommendations would greatly assist survivors who suffered abuse while in the care of institutions in Australia, including The Salvation Army, which continues to acknowledge its past failures that led to tragic instances of abuse to children in its care.

“The Salvation Army has endeavoured to work with survivors on matters of redress over many years and welcomes the opportunity to consider a broader based independent redress scheme. In our earlier submission to the Commission on the issue, The Salvation Army has stated its support for a national redress scheme.

“The Salvation Army recognises that it may be helpful for some survivors to work with an independent body, so it makes perfect sense that a redress scheme provides them with various options on how they proceed with seeking redress which may or may not involve directly engaging with the institution.”

The Salvation Army is committed to working with survivors throughout their healing process and encourages anyone who was abused in any way to make contact with us.

To report abuse in NSW / QLD & ACT we encourage people to make contact with The Salvation Army (Eastern Territory) Centre for Restoration by calling (02) 9266 9781 or via email at

To report abuse in VIC / SA / TAS / WA & NT we encourage people to make contact with The Salvation Army (Southern Territory) Professional Standards Office by calling (03) 8878 4814 or via email at


For more information on The Salvation Army (Eastern Territory) response to the Royal Commission please visit For more information on The Salvation Army (Southern Territory) response to the Royal Commission please visit

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