Good news for homeless
23 March 2015
The Salvation Army welcomes the renewal of the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness for a further two years from July 2015 by Minister for Social Services Scott Morrison.
The recommitment of funding to homelessness programs across the country follows an extended advocacy campaign by many homelessness support agencies and peak bodies.
While some of the details of the new funding arrangement remain unclear, the emphasis on family violence and youth homelessness is welcomed by The Salvation Army.
Domestic violence continues to be the leading cause of homelessness in Australia. More than 50% of women accessing Salvation Army homeless services identify domestic and family violence as their main presenting issue.
It is hoped however, that increased targeting of funds to these areas will not come at the cost of other vulnerable groups such as rough sleepers and homeless families.
The Salvation Army relies on NPAH funding to operate some services including the successful Street to Home program which assists rough sleepers to find long term, secure, stable and affordable accommodation and permanently end their homelessness.
On any given night in Australia more than 105,000 people are homeless. The Salvation Army is the largest provider of homelessness services in Australia, with over 155 services across the country.