International: new territorial headquarters opens
19 October 2015
The final international engagement before retirement for the Chief of the Staff (Commissioner William Roberts) and Commissioner Nancy Roberts (World Secretary for Women’s Ministries) was to Moldova in the Eastern Europe Territory.
During the visit, they welcomed cadets (trainee Salvation Army officers) from the four countries that make up the territory – Georgia, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine. The commissioners also dedicated the new territorial headquarters building in Chisinău, which has transferred to the Moldovan capital from Moscow following the recent establishment of the Russia Command.
During the welcome to cadets, Cadet Anna Bichikaeva, from Ukraine, told how God taught her to trust him. ‘When you choose to walk God’s road and can make only one step, he makes 1,000 steps,’ she said. ‘Just trust and follow God and he will meet all your needs.’ Along with Cadet Anna, Cadets Elnura Budaeva and Vladimir Budaev (Georgia), Andrei Colĭcev (Moldova), Dmitry Pomitkin (Ukraine) and Vladimir Zubarev (Russia Command) were welcomed as Joyful Intercessors – the sessional name given to the current intake of trainees.