Show someone in need that they're not alone
6 June 2018
Today, Damian still finds it impossible to watch a sunrise.
That is because when the drug taking and domestic violence around him finally stopped in the small hours of each morning, he would watch the beautiful sunrise and imagine, just for a moment, that he was the ‘last person on earth - finally alone, safe’.
“All I wanted desperately was to be loved. I pursued perfection but was always unable to please…” said Damian.
When he felt he had no-one, it was people like you who were there for Damian. Damian got the support he needed to turn his life around when he attended The Salvation Army Youth Outreach Service (YOS). He found a supportive community who cared for him and he has since made it to the age of 19, which he says is astonishing.
“YOS has provided a safe environment for me to work towards my goals and progress. It’s the safety net allowing me to make mistakes and learn from them in a safe, accepting environment.”
You can help give hope to young people struggling. Please donate now.
Today Damian has hope. He is finishing his schooling with ongoing support from the Salvos. Once he finishes, he hopes to work with animals as a career.
He says: “For a time, I didn’t think I would live past 18 years old. Thanks in no small part to the program at YOS, I’m now 19 and well on my way to my future in the animal care industry, caring for animals so the animals can take care of their humans.
“I understand why programs like YOS are so crucial; for people like me, or my sister, or any of my classmates who would never have completed secondary schooling without an alternative to high school like this.”
Please do something wonderful for someone in need today.
Please Donate*Name and image has been changed to protect identity.