Additional Referral Pathway (ARP) | The Salvation Army Australia
People walking in a city. People walking in a city.

Modern slavery is a crime in Australia and help is available.

No matter what your age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture, religion or visa status – you have rights – and can get help.

About us

Additional Referral Pathway (ARP) is a way for people to access support if they have experienced exploitation known as modern slavery.

Modern slavery describes situations where someone controls you or takes away your freedom and ability to make choices about your life, to gain profit or benefit. Modern slavery includes trafficking in persons, debt bondage, deceptive recruitment, forced labour, forced marriage, organ trafficking, servitude, sexual servitude and slavery. 

Signs that you may be experiencing modern slavery include: 

  • Being forced to work or provide services (in any type of job or industry) under threat or coercion, with little or no pay or under harsh conditions.  
  • Not having control over the work you do, the services you provide or when you can stop working.  
  • Not having control over other parts of your life, for example; when and where you can eat, sleep or rest, or if you can leave the place you are staying when you want to. 
  • Being forced to work to pay off a debt, but the terms of the debt are unclear or the work never ends. 
  • Being tricked or trapped into work where the nature of the job is not what you were told it would be.  
  • Being recruited or transported through force or deception, for the purpose of exploitation. 
  • Being pressured, forced or tricked into getting married against your will, or getting married when underage. 

How we can help

  • We provide free and confidential support.
  • We can help you understand your rights and options. 
  • We can offer you free legal advice about your experience of modern slavery.
  • We can help you with your immediate safety and wellbeing needs. 
  • If you are eligible, we can refer you to the Australian Red Cross: Support for Trafficked People Program.



  • Children victim-survivors aged 15 years old or younger and without a safe guardian will be directly connected to the Australian Federal Police. The Australian Federal Police can provide referral onto the Support for Trafficked People Program, if eligible.
  • All Additional Referral Pathway workers are mandatory reporters for child safety and wellbeing.

ARP Partner Organisations

If this is an emergency, call 000
यदि यह आपातकालीन स्थिति है, तो कृपया 000 पर कॉल करें।
إذا كانت الحالة طارئة، يرجى الاتصال بالرقم 000
หากเกิดเหตุฉุกเฉินกรุณาโทร 000
Jika darurat, harap hubungi 000
اگر اورژانسی است، لطفا با 000 تماس بگیرید
එය හදිසි අවස්ථාවක් නම්, කරුණාකර 000 අමතන්න
اگر یہ ایمرجنسی ہے تو براہ کرم 000 پر کال کریں۔
Nếu là trường hợp khẩn cấp, vui lòng gọi 000

The Salvation Army is funded by the Department of Social Services to provide the Additional Referral Pathway to access the Support for Trafficked People Program. For more information, visit the Australian Department of Social Services.