
The Salvation Army URL has changed to

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The separator block creates a horizontal line between two elements. You can see a separator set to the default 'grey' colour below.

It's not too big or too obvious, but that's the point. It's meant to be a really simple visual aid that helps keep your content looking neat and organised, to make things easier on your readers' eyes.

▼▼ This line is the 'separator' ▼▼

▲▲ This line is the 'separator' ▲▲

Nifty hey?

You can find the separator as a unique element in the page builder. Add it to your layout, drag it between the two elements you want separated and choose your line colour. It's that easy!

You can also get a bit creative. Down below, we've used a separator set to 'navy', and then changed the background of the following block to have a grey background. The end result is a blue border between the white element and the grey element.

The options aren't overwhelming, but you can experiment with the colour options available to accent the right parts of your webpage.

Remember, your primary goal should be clear, easy-to-read content... so use the separator element to make life easier on readers, rather than going overboard with colour combinations!