Text and Images

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Basic element

This is the basic Text and Image block - actually, this one is just text without any images applied.

We've also used the button option here!

What do I do?

Image left

On this block, we've set an image aligned left. We've also changed the background color to 'grey' so that there's some visual separation from the block above.

If you're viewing this page on a mobile, this block automatically adapts - text at the top and picture underneath.

There's another (optional) button as well!

I'm just for show!


Here's the block with the image set to align-right. As before, instead of using the 'heading' field, we've just created a standard H2 heading in the text editor. By default, most H2 headings are red!

We've also set the background color to 'grey' again as well.

And here's one more button!

Yep - still useless!