25 May 2011
Its that time of year again! RED SHEILD APPEAL!
We are in need of more collectors to help us raise money. The money always goes towards a good cause, check out these stats of a typical week across Australia, The Salvation Army provides:
- 100,000 meals for the hungry
- 2,000 beds for the homeless
- 5,000 to 8,000 food vouchers
- 1,000 people with assistance in finding employment
- Refuge to 500 victims of abuse
- Assistance to 500 people addicted to drugs, alcohol or gambling
- Several thousand people with counselling
- 3,000 elderly people with aged care services
- 40 people in the court system with chaplaincy services
- Family tracing services which locate 40 missing family members
If you would like to help collect please call Lt. James and Sarah Thompson on: 5352-2720
If you would like to donate, please click here.
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