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Episode 1: Major Matt Reeve - Places Spaces Faces

By Major Matt Reeve

3 June 2024

Major Matt Reeve - Head of Mission Support with The Salvation Army brings a relevant and challenging message about how we can refine and enhance what we are already doing to engage people missionally through music, the arts and creative practice

Nobody lives at a church 24-7 - Matt's message is not necessarily about starting something new but about enhancing the missional value of what we are already doing. Ultimately it's all about people coming into a loving life giving relationship with Jesus. It may be that there are things we need to stop, other things need to be refined and enhanced in ways that have us working smarter not harder. Creatives will enjoy this encouraging message for artists and creatives who want to explore what mission looks like through the arts.

Episode 1: Major Matt Reeve - Places Spaces Faces


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