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Community Arts Engagement Conference 2023 - 4min promo

The Salvation Army Worship Arts Australia are pleased to host the first National Community Arts Engagement Conference at the historic Pentridge precinct right in the centre of one of Melbourne’s creative hubs in Coburg North in the City of Merri-bek. This new and cutting edge missional arts engagement event will help you and your team intentionally connect with creatives in your community outside of the four walls of your church! We’re excited to invite Musicians, Artists and Creatives from across Australia to learn strategies and principles to help build connections with community members that you are called to serve. This event will inspire and mobilise your teams towards ‘Integrated Mission’ through the Arts to care for people, build healthy communities, create faith pathways and work for justice. You will leave this conference with a toolkit of ideas, inspiration and practical steps that you can take back to your local context to help you reach new people and ‘transform Australia one life at a time with the love of Jesus’ through Music and the Arts. Join us this July in Melbourne for the National Community Arts Engagement Conference. We can’t wait to see you there! #artsengagement #integratedmission #communityengagement #christianarts #community #artsbasedcommunitydevelopment #christianmediaandarts #artsbasedcommunityengagement #communitymusicengagement #communityartsengagement #news #merribekarts #artscoburgnorth #brunswickarts #documentaryfilmmaking #docfilm #poetry #ArtsConference #FaithIntegratedMission #ChurchArts #churchArtsEngagement #ChristianFilm #ChristianMedia #ChristianArtsConference #ConferencesMelbourne #ArtsEventsMelbourne #worshipartistry 


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