Worship Songs Combined English & Chinese

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Worship songs for combined English & Chinese worship service

10000 Reasons 千万个理由
All hail the power of Jesus' name 齐来颂赞耶稣圣名
All heaven declare 诸天宣扬
Amazing grace (My chains are gone) 奇异恩典(不再有捆绑)
As the deer 如鹿渴慕溪水
At the cross(Love run red) 在十字架
Because he lives 因他活着
Build your kingdom here 建立你的国度在此地
Christ is enough 基督我满足
Christ the Lord risen today 救主基督已复活
Come now is the time to worship 来限制一起敬拜
Cornerstone 房角石
Draw me close to you 让我亲近你
God will make a way 神会开道路
Great is thy faithfulness 你的信实广大
He knows my name 他认识我
Here I am to worship我在这里敬拜
Holy Holy Holy 圣哉圣哉圣哉
Holy is the Lord 圣洁归我主
Hosanna (Vineyard) 和散那
Hosanna (Hillsong) 和散那
How deep the fathers love for us 深哉天父的爱
How great is our God 我神真伟大
How great thou art 你真伟大
I have decided to follow Jesus 我已经决定跟随耶稣
I stand amazed 我真希奇
I surrender all 奉献所有
Lord I lift your name on high 主我高举你的名
Majesty 敬拜主
Mighty to save 大能拯救
O boundless salvation 美哉无穷救恩
O for a thousand songs to sing 万口欢唱
O praise the name 赞美祂名
Onward Christian soldiers基督精兵前进
Power in the blood 宝血大权能
Shine Jesus Shine 真光普照
Softly and tenderly 归家
Standing on the promises 站在神的应许上
There is a redeemer 有一位救赎主
They shall come from the east 他们从东方来
Thine be the glory 荣耀归于你
To God be the glory 荣耀归于真神
Trust and obey 信而顺服
What a friend we have in Jesus 耶稣恩友
Worthy is the lamb 神羔羊配得
You are my king(Amazing love) 你是我的王


Updated July 2018


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