Sunday Resources

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Song book for CD: Song_Lyrics_v3_(1) 

Sunday 3rd July 2022

Here are the resources for Sunday 26th: Seek_and_Save_The_Lost.pdf 

Sunday 19th July 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 19th: 190720 

Sunday 12th July 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 12th: 12072020 

Sermon notes: Sunday_12th_July_2020_sermon 

Sunday 5th July 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 5th: 5th_July_(1) 

Thank You sheet: Thank_You_(2) 

Sunday 28th June 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 28th: 280620 

Sunday 21st June 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 21st: 210620_notes 

Bathurst Letter: Bathurst_Letter 

General's Statement: Generals_statement 

Positional Statement: positional_statement_-_racism 

Sunday 14th June 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 14th: 14062020 

Sermon Notes: Sunday_14th_May_2020 

Sunday 7th June 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 7th: June_7th_Lead_with_web_add 

Prayer and Reflection: 1_Corinthians_13 

Reflection: Gen_1_Reflection 

Sunday 31st May 2020

Pentecost Week

Live Stream: The Territorial Pentecost Service can be watched live on Youtube through Salvo Studios or the Others Facebook page at 9.30AM AEST Sunday the 31st of May.

Here are the resources for Sunday 31st: 31052020 

Territorial Pentecost Transcript: 1083412170-Pentecost_Transcript 

40 Days of Prayer: 




Sunday 24th May 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 24th: 24052020 

Sunday 17th May 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 17th: 17052020 


Message Notes: Sunday_17th_May_2020_sermon 

Letter: LetterB 

Red Shield: Flyer_RSA_2_Bathurst_(1) 

Sunday 10th May 2020

Resources for: Sunday_10th_May

Sunday 3rd May 2020

Here are the resurces for Sunday 3rd: 030520 

Letter: Letter_ 

Sunday 26th April 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 26th: Sun_26th 

Song Lyrics: songs_260420 

Sunday LiveStrems:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Psalm 84:10 – Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

As we spend more time at home behind closed doors, we have the opportunity to spend more uninterrupted time with God, but for many, the temptations of the flesh will increase. This might come out in what we watch, what we eat, what we think about and what we talk about, as well as in what we do. My encouragement this week is that if your mind starts to veer towards the things we know are not healthy, that we pray. Keep praying.  Verse 12: Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you.

Sunday 19th April 2020

Here are the resources for Sunday 19th: Sun_19th 

Song lyrics: songs1904 

Recommended Reading: Sermon_190420  

What’s new:

  • Online Faith Groups / Bible study – This will start in the last week of April. There will be initially two time slots: Monday 10am and Tuesday 7pm. This will be through ‘Zoom’. 
  • Tech Support. If you would like to access online services but are unsure how to do this, please call Emily 0409 615 345 to arrange a time for either a phone call or visit to help you with this. If visiting, all current social distancing rules will be in place and a visit will not be possible if anyone in the household has flu symptoms.
  • Phone tree – If you would like to sign up to the Stay In Touch phone tree, please let Kate know. This is combined with Orange Corps. It would mean that each week you will get a phone call from someone in the church community, and each week you will call someone.

Lastly, I would like to thank you each for your continued love and care for each other. These are strange times, and this season will pass. What we do now can shape our future and prepare us for the work God has planned through our church.

With Love & Blessings always

From Kate Cathcart  0459 931 116