youth group with hands in together

Bendigo Corps

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A place and a community where you can belong and make a difference

It is a pleasure to introduce you to The Salvation Army Bendigo Corps. Within our church, we work alongside others to make a difference. Wherever there are injustices and hardship, we endeavour to bring the love of Jesus to transform our community, one life at a time. We regularly witness the love of Jesus changing lives—from one of despair—to hope and a purpose. As a church, we meet together weekly to celebrate this. We understand you might be finding it tough on your own and we want to come alongside you on your journey and help. We offer a place and a community where you can belong and make a difference. We hope you’ll join us.

Church is currently on every Sunday at 10am at the worship centre at 65 Mundy St, Bendigo. 

For food and financial assistance please call 8873 5288 between 9am & 4pm (Mon - Fri) or fill in this online form.

Please view our current newsletter.

Volunteer With Us


Life Groups

Looking for a fresh start?

Bendigo Corps offer a range of services to assist the local community to thrive in life. Please view what we offer.

Fresh Start

At the Bendigo Salvos we believe every person can make a Fresh Start in life. No matter what has happened in your life, it is never too late to start again. We have a range of programs to help you make a Fresh Start physically, emotionally and spiritually. We believe Jesus came to earth so we can be forgiven for our past and start life anew with God. We encourage you to join us at our weekly worship service where you can discover how to make a Fresh Start with God.

fresh start


At the Bendigo Salvos we believe that God wants every person to Thrive in life. We Thrive as human beings when we live out a life of meaning and purpose. We believe the best way to discover this meaning and purpose is in community, with God and with others. We have a range of small groups where you can discover your purpose and be equipped to Thrive.

Change the world for the better

At the Bendigo Salvos we believe that God wants us to Thrive so we can Change the World for the better. God wants to bless you so that you can bless others around you. Here at the Bendigo Salvos we have a wide variety of volunteer and ministry opportunities where you can make a positive difference in our community and our world.

Contact Us

Find Us

Contact Details

65-71 Mundy St, Bendigo Victoria
PO Box 992, Bendigo VIC 3552

Reception & Community Services: (03) 5440 8410 

Doorways Financial Assistance: (03) 8873 5288

Alcohol & Other Drugs Services: (03) 5440 8411 | 

Thrift Shops:
(03) 5459 0504 (Golden Square)        

Corps Officer (Church):(03) 5440 8431


Office Hours
Monday to Friday 9am—4.30pm
Closed between 12.30pm - 1.30pm Mon - Fri

Worship Meeting
10:00 am Sunday 

Map location

Worship Service

Every Sunday we get together to worship our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You are invited to come along and discover Him for yourself. Our worship is a celebration of praise, music, testimony and bible based messages which are designed to give glory to God and teach us about His blessings. You are also invited to stay for refreshments after the service, so we can get to know you!

Family Worship Service Sunday 10:00 am 

Contact Us

Our Vision and Mission

The Salvation Army is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus by:

  • Caring for people
  • Creating faith pathways
  • Building healthy communities
  • Working for justice

We offer a range of activities and services that care for people and work towards building healthy communities.

Find out More