If you are at risk of a court order separating you from your children due to substance abuse and you want to get help—we can support you with a timely and successful treatment program to maximise your chances.
SalvoCare Northern Victoria—Families at Risk AOD Reunification Program, offers a mix of assessment, counselling and care and recovery coordination. Funded by the Victorian State Government, this program helps parents meet the requirements of family reunification legislation. The objective of this initiative is to enable parents who are required to undergo AOD treatment as part of their children’s family reunification order (FRO) to access timely treatment, to maximise their chances of reuniting with their children in the time frame of the FRO.
The program initiative targets parents who must meet court-issued conditions to seek AOD treatment relating to their children’s FRO.
Recent changes to the Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 mean that a child who is subject to an FRO may be placed in permanent care if the parent fails to satisfy conditions of the order (such as a requirement to undergo AOD treatment) within the time permitted (typically up to 12 months).
It is vital therefore that parents are supported to engage in alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment as soon as possible after their involvement with child protection. While this initiative targets parents with children on an FRO, where resources permit, there is potential support for parents with AOD issues earlier in the child protection process.
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