
The Salvation Army URL has changed to

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Getting here...

Directions: Turn into Grose Rd off the Highway at Faulconbridge, at the set of lights. Follow the road, and keep driving past Springwood High School. Francis Rd is the first right AFTER the High School. At the end of Francis Rd, follow our long driveway down to our worship space.

Public Transport: It is approx. a 40min walk from Faulconbridge Station. The 690C bus will take you to Faulconbridge Shops on the HWY from Springwood Station, and it is a 27min walk from there.

Parking: We have plenty of parking available in the carpark, or behind the main building. It is all on one level for easy access.

What to wear: People wear whatever they feel comfortable in: we have people coming in shorts & T-shirts, jeans, suits, or Salvo uniforms. 

Seating: Come in and sit anywhere you like - we'll help you find a seat. If you're coming on your own, we'd love you to sit with us!

Bathrooms: are easily accessed off the main foyer to the right.

Baby change facilities: are available in the parents room off the main foyer.

If you have any queries, please go to the 'Connect with Us' section.

During the Service

Length: Our services are relaxed and usually go for about 1hr 15 mins.

Offering: When we take up an offering, we choose to offer back to God appreciation for everything we recieve from Him. There is no obligation for you to give anything. The offerings we receive support the work of the church and keeps us active in our community.

Music: We have a combined big band and brass band, as well as smaller combinations of worship music. It is both lively and reflective at different times.

Children -are always welcome here!

The Salvation Army is a child safe organisation.

Kids table: is where they can gather during the service, and streamers to encourage them to move with the music.

Kids Time: This segment is where they are encouraged to come up the front and given the opportunity to tell news, and sometimes a short kids story given as well. There is no obligation for the kids to participate if they are feeling shy or don't want to join in.

Rainbow Kids: After Kids Time, 3-13yr olds can head to the Rainbow Room for our kids program. *There is no Rainbow Kids during school holidays.

Morning Tea: Afterwards, we re-gather and share in morning tea.

Cafe Church: Once a month, we have Cafe Church, where we gather around tables and have small group discussions, after a 30min short service. You are welcome to join any table! We would love to get to know you better.

On these days, the kids will have their own discussion table available.

There are plenty of other activities for adults, young adults, youth and children during the week.  Please see our regular activities section.