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Celebrate Easter with us
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Celebrate Easter with us

6 April 2023

We would love you celebrate Easter with us at Box Hill Salvos.  If you would like to explore more about what Easter means you can also click this link. We pray your Easter will be a wonderful ti...

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Farewell to Major Brian
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Farewell to Major Brian

8 January 2023

This morning at our 10am worship service this Sunday we took some time to say thank you and goodbye to Major Brian Saunders as he returns to the USA to take up a new appointment.  It has been s...

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January at Box Hill Salvos
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January at Box Hill Salvos

1 January 2023

It's Summer here in Australia, and the holiday season is in full swing and while many of our regular programs and activities are taking a break over the school holidays there is still lots happening a...

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Join Us For Christmas
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Join Us For Christmas

22 November 2022

Join us for Christmas this year.  Advent Services Hope can emerge from the most unlikely of places, even in the darkest of times.  The birth of Christ was one such time.  This Advent se...

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Help those in need in our local community
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Help those in need in our local community

8 May 2022

Across Australia, issues like unemployment, domestic violence and poverty are challenging communities severely. The continued effects of COVID-19 and natural disasters have only made matters worse. By...

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1010 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill
Parking entry: 17 Bank Street, Box Hill


PO Box 1097, Box Hill


(03) 9897 9000