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News / 2009 / 09 / 02

Brisbane Streetlevel setup

2 September 2009

Brisbane Streetlevel setup

Eric helps assemble the BBQ

Peter helps out as well

Plenty of boxes and furniture to move.  Both Eric and peter along with other volunteers such as margaret, Kath and Marylin have been fantastic support.

Gordon has been amazing in helping set up shelving and build a roof for the garage store area.  Thanks heaps Gordon!





  1. Great website! Finally found time to look it up. It is rewarding to be part of a team going forward and reaching out to those in need. Hope to see some stories on here soon of the journeys of the volunteers.
    Signing off now from your roving reporter,volunteer,and friend.

  2. Am desperately keen to assist in any volunteer position this organisation has to offer.

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