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News / 2009 / 09 / 02

Chaplain Watch 11pm -4am

2 September 2009

Chaplain Watch 11pm -4am

Friday 18th September.


What a night.  Blood vomit, unconcious men and women due to intoxication, police making arrests and the people of God in amongst it all.  Go the Chaplain Watch crew!


Bryce is rostered on a monthly basis to help out in this great ministry and can usually take someone along as an observer. 




  1. now thats what im talking about you are a modern day william booth. out and about in the front line making everyone welcome to god. no matter were they have come from the more broken the better.jesus loves nothing more than to turn a broken soul into a shining gem good work steve gallop

  2. Concerned Person
    Concerned Person

    How can this be ok, I feel that tis just burden on some people.
    What skils do these people have and i hope they ask permission
    to touch there patients. I have to say that this not right and should
    cancelled due to lack of interest

  3. truly blessed
    truly blessed

    I think the work you are doing is admirable. There are so many hurt and broken people that need a hand to stand up on the own two feet. Jesus loves a broken and contrite spirit and these people need to hear the message. Keep on breaking down the barriers. You are my heroes.

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