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News / 2009 / 09 / 16

Fitness for life

16 September 2009

Fitness for life

Mon Sept 14th 1pm  Kicked off the first of ten weeks of fitness in the Botanic Gardens in the city.  Fitness First trainer Tristen Hill along with Jame Jose took us through a 45 minute circit that is sure to tone us up and increase our fitness.

Jame Jose runs his own Personal Training business and has recovered from self harm through gym work and fitness.

See full size image

Contact Captain Bryce on 0414 458 015 or Paul on 0414 356 623 if you are interested in attending.  Transport leaves from Streetlevel at 12.30pm sharp.



Mary Ann and Gordy - having the time of thier lives!


Thursday the 19th November a presentation night is planned in the city and Gerard Gosens Blind Paralympian and star from Dancing with the stars will be the guestSee full size image speaker and presenter.  See full size imageSee full size image


  1. go brysee go go go

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