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News / 2010 / 06 / 03

Streetlevel Sleeps Out in Kingaroy

3 June 2010

Street Level’s Rough Night Out - 22 May 2010

By Jessica Hayden

The Street Level crew headed out to freezing cold Kingaroy last Saturday night to join many others in the Kingaroy sleep out. An event held to bring about awareness and raise money in support of helping people who are sleeping rough in our society. It took a long 5 hour journey before arriving in Kingaroy, having to stop various times along the way, for many breaks. Rumours have been told that Major Bryce Davies had a power shot of V drink, which sent him a way that nobody had witnessed before, and which we will hopefully probably never witness again.

Working as a great team, the crew sold fair trade coffee and coffee beans, while also giving out free fairy floss to all involved in this fantastic event. Major Bryce Davies was the guest speaker, and informed people of the impact Street Level has in Fortitude Valley. While also each member of Street Level represented as a team with pride. Carina Corps brass band played and brought music to everyones ears as they enjoyed their time together.

Chris Granquist tells us his experience of the weekend and how it impacted him. A high light of the weekend Chris says “was meeting an old friend, I haven’t seen for 10 years. And seeing the change in her from being a drug addict to now a Salvation Army Officer and core leader.”  

For Chris his experience of sleeping rough was unlike many others, he explains “It was a good sleep, I was warm as toast and I was relaxed.” We later discovered that Chris has been in the Army and used to sleep in the streets of the Valley about 12 years ago, so sleeping rough was not a new experience for him. For others though the experience was the complete opposite. Many said that it was very cold and they had little to no sleep. This gave them a broader knowledge on what sleeping rough is like for many people in Australia.

Each and everyone over the weekend had their own magical moments but for Chris it was when Bryce got him up and introduced him as apart of the street level team and said how Chris and his friend Katie who he had not seen for 10 years had a great connection, as Katie and Chris had in the past played in a band together and had formed a very good friendship.  That weekend was a beautiful God moment for Chris as he had seen a friend from the past, who used to be so caught up in addiction that was now transformed by our amazing Lord God and now is living for him each day, what a beautiful miracle to witness!

 From the experience of reuniting with an old friend, Chris learnt over that weekend that “it’s concreted in me the understanding that God does perform miracles.”

 This weekend I myself believe was more then just sleeping out for a cause. I did not attend this event but it is clear to me that over those two days a strong bond had been made, and friendships had formed. The crew worked as a team well; as Chris explained to me “it was great being a part of a team that works and is reaching out and touching people. It’s a team that is succeeding in what it set out to do. Where William Booth started we are still doing today.”

 It is clearly seen that this weekend required a lot of team work and everyone one had to work together in unity. The bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:24 - 27.....

 But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honour to the parts that lack it, so that there should not be division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it, if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.’

 We are all apart of the body of Christ and all have our different roles to play to make up the body. For the body to function we all need to work together in unity without division, to keep the whole body (church) going. This was shown over the weekend and sets an example for us all.

 The Street Level crew had a fantastic time in Kingaroy over the weekend, and represented Street Level well but more importantly represented the work of God well, as they worked in unity together.

Streetlevel in Kingaroy


  1. Great stuff Jess.

    Inspiring story and fantastic to see great Streetlevel moments recorded like this.

    Bless ya!

  2. wat a weekend that was dad that was the best weekend with my family ever i love u guys heaps party hard street level

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