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News / 2010 / 08 / 10

Fraser Island Fishing Trip

10 August 2010

In late July, Major Bryce Davies, Team Leader at The Salvation Army's Brisbane Streetlevel Mission, took four men on a unique fishing experience to Fraser Island.

The four, who are all involved at Streetlevel, were Shannon Spicer, Trevor Warren, Matthew Ellems and Josh Perry.


They joined with a group of more than 20 experienced fishermen who each year travel to Fraser Island to fish, camp and share in Christian fellowship.

The week-long four-wheel drive adventure was unfortunately marred by poor weather and uncooperative fish for the first four days, but then things certainly livened up for the rest of the trip. The Streetlevel crew ended up with a total catch of about 50 good-sized taylor and 40 dart along with a few trevally and a terrific bream. The haul may not have been a patch on the other, more experienced teams, but it was an encouraging start for the rookie fishermen.

Matthew proved to be the group's star fisherman, showing great touch and finesse with the line, while Shannon was the dark horse with his unusual casting techniques which, surprisingly, produced effective results.

Peter Janetzki, who hosts the Talking Life program on Brisbane Christian radio station 96.5, has been a long-time organiser of the annual trip and this year extended an invitation to The Salvation Army to be involved.








"The experience of learning new skills and just being with mature and supportive guys from the group was good for us all," said Major Davies.

"The influence of the men on the Streetlevel guys was significant, but not forced.



"One of the Streetlevel guys said when asked what the trip meant to him: 'Well, I've been clean from marijuana now for six days and feel good about getting my life back on track.' I spoke to this fellow a couple of days after the the trip and he was arranging new accommodation away from his old 'using' mates and had set up a job interview. He is obviously motivated for change, praise God!"

Major Davies is keen to make the fishing trip an annual event at Streetlevel and would like to hear from anyone who can donate surf fishing gear or camping equipment to the mission. He can be contacted on: 0414 458 015.



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