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News / 2010 / 11 / 01


1 November 2010



It is now two days post skirmish down at streetlevel and a faithful few have shown up to compare battle scars. Our outing to Blacksoil started with a bus trip from Streetlevel to the paintfields at 7am on Saturday morning. A group of 27 community members attended with the intent to inflict as many bruises as possible on each other.

While the day was not all about fun and inflicting pain it was also a lesson in teamwork, trust and communication. A great time was had by all and there have already been requests for an annual skirmish outing. 



  1. darn i missed out on hurting hope you all had a great time

  2. may god bless the salvation army

  3. why kicka moo cow
    my balls ar red

    cock stick you are that is meeehow

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