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News / 2010 / 11 / 08

Fun in the sun

8 November 2010

Fun in the sun

When our trusty leader Bryce Davies was invited to preach at The Gold Coast Temple last Sunday our community decided to jump on board to support him. In doing so we decided to make a day off it and hit the beach for a day of fun in the sun.

Once again our adventure started early with the bus trip from The Valley to The GC and with 16 community members on board it was guaranteed to be a fun ride. Arriving safety if not a little rattled at Currumbin it was a speedy set up before hitting the surf.

While some were happy to take it easy sitting on the sand, walking along the beach or resting in the shade, 5 brave boys hit the waves on surfboards for our entertainment. We saw them paddle out, ride waves in and even hang ten until their arms were sore and their legs burned.

Surfing was followed by a cold can of coke and some lunch before trying to spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing.  When 3:00pm came around it was time to pack it all up and head to church, with a minor delay at the beach and getting lost on the way to church we managed to sneak into church the tiniest bit late.

As part of the church service, some of our amazing community members had an opportunity to share about their day and how they became involved in at Streetlevel. Finally Bryce’s big moment had arrived and he presented an inspirational and moving message enjoyed by all.

After such a big day of providing support and encouragement to our esteemed leader we all needed a coffee lovingly prepared and provided from the Streetelevel  coffee van before jumping back on the bus and heading home. Almost all arriving home safely  and in one piece.


  1. mxkjvksdjvksdjklsjd

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