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Recording the Streetlevel Song. New link to listen to the recording!

21 October 2011

Last Monday night the Streetlevel crew went to a rustic urban recording studio owned by the husband of one of our TAFE students Martha. Mal gave his time and expertise for free and 12 Streetlevel and Inner City West Salvos musicians recorded "The Streetlevel Song" A great original expression of life at Streetlevel and the journey so many have taken towards wholeness and a sense of belonging to God... Read more

October 20th Newsletter

21 October 2011

Oct 20.pdf... Read more

Fraser Island Trip

Fraser Island Trip

10 August 2011

9 guys from Streeetlevel went to Fraser Island fishing. Read more


14 July 2011

June 16.pdf   July 14.pdf    ... Read more

Nepalease Banquet

Nepalease Banquet

10 June 2011

Our wonderful Nepalease students put on a genuine banquet for us in May this year Read more

Timetable 2011

Timetable 2011

4 May 2011

Better late than never, Streetlevel has produced a calendar of events for 2011 Read more

Trip to Noosa

Trip to Noosa

4 May 2011

Steertlevel crew went to Noosa for Easter and joined with Noosa Salvos for a Sunday service and then went to the beach. Read more

First Streetlevel Soldier enrolled

4 March 2011

Marilyn Whitfield was enrolled recently and is the first new soldier to be added to the roll at Streetlevel Read more