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News / 2011 / 08 / 10

Fraser Island Trip

10 August 2011

Fraser Island Trip

On Saturday the 23rd July 2011, 9 men from Brisbane Streetlevel Mission headed off as part of a 25 strong group of fishermen to Fraser Island for a week of camping and surf fishing for Taylor, Dart and the odd Mulloway. Peter Janetzki (From Radio 96.5 - Sunday Night Talking Life) runs this event and this year the weather was good to us. The fellowship of the trip was great. Mature Christian men were aplenty and the chats around the fire and the guidance about fishing, camping and even life was wonderful. On the last evening of the trip, trophies and prizes of surf rods and gift vouchers were given out to the Streetlevel guys to the cheers and encouragement of the other men. They all spoke of how great it was to be amongst some good blokes for a change. Vlad - a young fellow who attends Streetlevel said it was the best week of his life! Hans, unfortunately put a sharp fishing knife through his finger but was still on side, as the following Thursday night, at Streetlevel Chapel, he became an adherent and his moving testimony to the love and transforming power of Jesus left us all inspired and encouraged. I caught a big fish called a Mulloway. It was 10cm too small for this species and so I had to throw it back! The biggest fish I have ever caught was too small! A cruel irony!

Fraser Island is definitely on the calendar for next year at Streetlevel and we hope to get bigger and better every year. Both in numbers of people attending and in the size of the fish!

Thanks to Noosa Salvos who sponsored the trophies and the Brisbane High Rise Rotary Club for sponsoring the costs of the trip.


  1. was A awesome

  2. was really cool

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