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News / 2011 / 10 / 21

Recording the Streetlevel Song. New link to listen to the recording!

21 October 2011

Last Monday night the Streetlevel crew went to a rustic urban recording studio owned by the husband of one of our TAFE students Martha. Mal gave his time and expertise for free and 12 Streetlevel and Inner City West Salvos musicians recorded "The Streetlevel Song" A great original expression of life at Streetlevel and the journey so many have taken towards wholeness and a sense of belonging to Gods family. The CD will come out some time in the next few weeks and may even be a music DVD - it has the potential. YYY 87.6FM Community Radio has expressed interest in playing the song and we hope to return to the studio to put down a few more originals from the Streetlevel musos sometime soon.

Check out the Brisbane Streetlevel facebook page for all 30 photos of the recording session. They are awesome!

 Also the song can be heard on the following link

The words to the song are:

Verse 1:

When I felt I was all alone!

Out in the world with no one to phone

Stuck in the rain in the cold and the dirt

No one got close enough to see my hurt


Street level gave me a home

Gave me a place where I can belong

Made me feel welcome, made me feel strong

Street level gave me a home

Verse 2:

From the first time I came through the door

It didn’t matter the clothes that I wore

It didn’t matter there were things I would hide

Or how broken I felt deep down inside


Verse 3:

Since I have joined the street level team

Life’s not a nightmare or just a dream

There are things I can do, chances to grow

A new way of living I’m getting to know


Verse 4:

Now there are times when I still fall down

Getting lost and leaving town

But I’m welcomed back, to the family here

The love of God overpowers my fear


Final Chorus:

Street level gave me a home

Gave me a place where I can belong

Made me feel welcome, made me feel strong

The good Lord has found me a home!




  1. wow its finally finished will be great when we get to record our other songs.... amen thank u Martha N Mal and Mick

  2. It will be awsum when get my new teeth then can feel more confident in actually getting my vocals out how have in the past :)

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