Tuesday 9.30am until 11.30am (February to December)
If you find yourself in difficult circumstances, you can access short-term financial assistance in the form of food parcels and vouchers.
9.30am until 11.30am (February to December)
If you find yourself in difficult circumstances, you can access short-term financial assistance in the form of food parcels and vouchers.
8am until 9am (February to December)
Share good food and great company at our regular community meals.
5.30pm until 6.30pm Tuesday
SAGALA is a Christian-based life skills program similar to Scouts and Guides. Children aged 5-16 learn basic first aid, outdoor skills, home skills and are involved in active service to the community.
Wednesday 9.30am until 12pm (February to December)
Meet with others from our local community to develop new friendships and explore faith together.
10am Sunday
A vibrant worship experience for the whole family, celebrating God through Scripture, music, and Bible-based teaching.
Thursday 10am until 12pm (February to December)
Meet with others from our local community to develop new friendships and explore faith together.
Thursday 9.30am until 11am (February to December)
Meet with others from our local community to develop new friendships and explore faith together.