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Here are just a few answers to questions that you may have about The Salvation Army's church services (meetings).  If you have any other questions, please contact us


Are children welcome in your church services?

At Caloundra Salvos, we have an all-age worship service where children are encouraged to take part (and are also invited during the 'meeting' to share news about what's happening in their lives).  During the service, children can learn about Jesus at Sunday School.  Parents can then share in morning refreshments after the sevice on the deck where the children have their own kids table full of kid friendly yummiese, you are welcome to ask more about our faith with those present.


What should I wear?

There is no dress code at The Salvation Army.   You can wear whatever you are comfortable in.  Many of our church members (Salvationists) do wear Salvation Army uniform, but you will also find plenty of people who come dressed in neat casual attire or suits.  For Salvation Army officers and soldiers, wearing the uniform is a visible expression of their faith that often creates valuable opportunities to provide a helping hand or witness to their beliefs.


What if I can't sing, or don't know the words to a song? 

Music is a large part of our praise and worship at Caloundra Salvos.  You are welcome to just sit back and listen to the songs, until you feel comfortable to join in if you want to.  To help you, we have the words to all songs projected onto a screen.

Will I be asked to give money?

At Caloundra Salvos we never ask our visitors to give financially at our church service.   Of course if you do want to support our work in the community and our ongoing ministry, we would be most thankful.

Can I get my children Christened?

The Salvation Army refers to Christenings as 'dedications'.  This is similar to a typical Christening service, however water is not used. The dedication often takes place during a normal Sunday church service, where parent/s are encouraged to thank God for blessing them with a child and make promises to raise their child with Christian values.