
The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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Celebrate Christmas with the Salvos

Faith Runs Deep

Sunday @10am

An intergenerational worship service with a relevant Bible message. Midway through the service children head out for Explorers kids church*. Whether you are a regular attender or a guest, we look forward to welcoming you.

If you're unable to join us on a Sunday morning, you can still feel connected to our worship service by watching the 10am livesteam on our YouTube channel. While you're there, why not consider subscribing to receive notifications of new content.

* Operates school terms only.

Sunday @5pm

An informal worship service is held twice a month. The service features contemporary Christian music, scripture readings, prayer times, opportunities for shared stories/testimonies, a short Bible message, and is open to all ages.

For forthcoming 5pm service dates, please contact us.

Ashy Salvos House Church

A relaxed family atmosphere where we share in food, worship and prayer, and all are welcomed, loved and cared for.

The Ashy Salvos House Church is situated in Ashwood and plays an important role in the life of the local community but appreciates the strong connection and support from Camberwell Salvos and its community outreach activities.

When: Tuesday, 5:15pm to 6:45pm
Where: Power Neighbourhood House (54 Power Avenue, Ashwood)

If you would like to join this home fellowship or require further information, then don't hesitate to contact us.

Christmas & New Year Operating Hours

Click here for more information