Sunday Worship

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Each week there are several activities that occur within our church buildings, so much so that rarely a day passes where there is not a group meeting in at least a part of the building.

Sunday has long been the main day for Christian church services, a time when people from the surrounding areas meet in one place to worship God. This has been and still is, an important part of Christian life.

Sunday Worship provides the opportunity for people to come together as a community of faith, to pray, sing, read The Bible and hear important teaching. Sunday Worship also allows people to share with others their experiences, both good and difficult. Above all this, Sunday Worship is that time which people set aside to devote themselves to the collective praise of God.

The Sunday Worship Services brings together people from many generations and cultures and the format of each service is designed to allow everyone with the opportunity to be involved in worship. Once a month, the Sunday Worship in the evening takes on a different format known as Cafe Church. In this meeting, the environment is much more relaxed, typically has a guest speaker or special theme and is usually preceded by a light fellowship meal.

Sunday Worship times are at 10:30am each week with a 30 minute Prayer Meeting held from 9.30am, prior to the 10:30am service.

During the Morning Service at 10:30am, children aged between 3 and 12 years are given the opportunity to participate in our service during Kid's Time as well.

For more information contact the church office.