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The Salvation Army Campsie - 22nd Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 22nd Day of...

路加福音 1:46-55 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 46 玛丽亚说: “我的心尊主为大, 47 我的灵因我...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - 21st Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 21st Day of...

路加福音 1:26-38 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 天使预告耶稣降生 26 伊丽莎白怀孕六个月的时候...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - Sunday 20th December 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - Sunday 20th...

The Salvation Army Campsie - 20th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 20th Day of...

约翰福音 1:1-14 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 生命之道 1 太初,道已经存在,道与上帝同在,é...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - 19th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 19th Day of...

John 3:3-6 So John went along the Jordan Valley, telling the people, “Turn back to God and be baptized! Then your sins will be forgiven.” 4 Isaiah the prophet wrote about John when he sa...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - 18th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 18th Day of...

以赛亚书 9:1-4 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 未来的君王 9 但那些受过痛苦的人必不再遇见黑æ...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - 17th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 17th Day of...

玛拉基书 4:5-6 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 5 “看啊,在耶和华那伟大而可畏的日子来临以å‰...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - 16th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 16th Day of...

玛拉基书 4:1-3 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 耶和华的日子 4 “万军之耶和华说,‘那日要来ä...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - 15th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 15th Day of...

Malachi 3:1-3 I the LORD All-Powerful, will send my messenger to prepare the way for me. Then suddenly the Lord you are looking for will appear in his temple. The messenger you desire is...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - 14th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 14th Day of...

撒迦利亚书 9:9 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 要来的君王 9 锡安城啊,要充满喜乐! 耶路撒å...

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The Salvation Army Campsie - Sunday 13th December 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - Sunday 13th...

The Salvation Army Campsie - 13th Day of Advent 2020

The Salvation Army Campsie - 13th Day of...

启示录 1:17-20 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 17 我一看见祂,便扑倒在祂脚前,像死了一样。祂æ...

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