Category: Topics
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The Faith Focused Family
15 October 2010
Here are 5 practical ways to make faith an important part of the everyday life of families in your ministry. The Faith Focused Family can be easily printed and distributed to all the congregation or just to parents. It has five practical tips for parents who want to develop a faith focused family. It can be added to your newsletter. Here is a helpful we...Read more
24-7 prayer
23 September 2010
To download ideas for your 24-7 prayer room, please click here Create a prayer room where fami...Read more
for parents
7 September 2010
What 5-6 year olds want :- Ask me to draw you a picture of how I am feeling when I do not know how ...Read more
Ministry to Families
23 August 2010
Every child is part of a family. We want to :- encourage you as you and your famil...Read more
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