Mother's Day
Last Minute Mother's Day Ideas
Activity Sheets for Kids @ Church
These can be added to Activity Bags with ziplock bags of stickers, crayons, pipe cleaners, post it notes.
You can also buy packs with cardboard cut outs to make baskets, the kids could add stickers to these.
Mother's Day Colouring Sheet for boy
Mother's Day Colouring Sheet for girl
Mother's Day Ideas - Here are some ideas for Mother's Day at your place. Some of the ideas need to be prepared in the week before Mother's Day.
Mother's Day is a time for us to honor those who have given their time, their love and their patience to their children, both biological and through spiritual mentoring. Women are not called to be mothers - they are created as mothers.
THE WEEK BEFORE MOTHER'S DAY at mainly music, at a family picnic, or at Kid's church.
Take photo's of any kids/and mothers
Have the photos printed during the week at somewhere like Big W or print them yourself
Add the photos to bookmarks, magnets or photo frames made from paddlepop sticks or foam
The families pick them up at the Mother's Day Service the following week.
Interview some children and made a video to show in church.
Here are some suggested questions.
What makes your mum happy?
What makes you mum sad?
What is something your mum does every day?
What is something your mum says to you?
How old is your mum?
What is your mum’s favourite thing to do?
Where is your mum’s favourite place to go?
How are you and your mum the same?
How are you and your mum different?
What is your favourite thing about your mum?
How do you know that your mum loves you?
Give your mum a special message.
Home Icecream
have small mini heart shaped icecreams - that we've given to the mothers on Mother's Day. They come in packs of 20
Advertise a Mother's Day Bake Off
where the kids spend time with the mums making a cake and bring the cake on the following Sunday to be judged or enjoyed.
- Grab your Mum
- Bake a Cake together
- Bring it on Mother's Day
- Share it for Morning Tea
This also works really well for Father's Day.
Organise a Muffins with Mum breakfast.
- colouring competition - they bring back the next week.
Mother's day cards using coloured sand -
they could also make an envelope for something different.
Modelling balloon flowers
to give to mum.
Make a slide show
of faces of mothers and kids, using all ages with appropriate music