Otway Wardrobe

The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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Get fitted out for free

The Otway Wardrobe is a work in progress, in which Colac Salvos is collaborating with Colac Secondary School and Trinity College Colac to provide a free Formal Attire Wardrobe to all students. 

All attire is donated by Community Members, Teachers, Students, or just anyone that has some great Formal wear that they aren't using anymore. 

The donations are stored and managed at the Colac Salvos Community Centre and the Students from both Colac Secondary College and Trinity College Colac help ensure all donations are in good order and are presented in a way they enjoy to use. 

The space also boasts a mobile changing room, mobile drawers to store all shoes and accessories and then mobile racks to ensure all attire is kept clean and fresh. 

If you have a donation you want to give, be it attire or monetary to help support this intiative, please get in contact below. 

If you wish to use these services as a Student or young person, please contact us below.