20 March 2020
When it comes to pursuing our calling, one of the assumptions we may inadvertently hold onto is that once we discover what or where God is calling us to, from that point on it is relatively straight forward.
But when you read Scripture, one of the patterns you’ll notice is that a specific calling rarely has a precise and predictable unfolding.
Let’s consider the apostle Paul. He was called by Jesus to be a preacher. He had a specific calling to “be a light to the Gentiles” (Acts 13:47)and spread the good news to all the nations.
Fairly straight forward – open your mouth and speak.
But what did this look like? How did this calling unfold?
Not in one ministry expression, but in many:
Paul had a “specific calling, but not a specific outworking or predictable ministry.
It’s the same for us. There is a flow and rhythm to calling, just as there is a flow and rhythm to ministry.
It moves in and out, in and out, broad then narrow, broad then narrow, general to specific, general to specific – and this flow continues on throughout our life.
It might be helpful to imagine the “shape of calling” to be like a wave:
We begin broadly: The Great Commandment and Commission: Share the gospel with everyone: every tribe, every nation, every age, every gender, every background – everyone.
Then over time, we get an idea of how God has gifted us: our skills and our talents, and we work at developing our specific gifts.
Then, as our vision and capacity expand, ministry opportunities open up in many various ways and settings.
Then, as we grow in clarity of where God is leading us, we make specific choices to prepare us for the next season: we may go to school, or do a short course, or attend training College. We might join a ministry team, go on roster, serve in corps leadership, or go on a mission trip.
Then, over time, we may end up in another ministry setting, or appointment, or job, or team, and so on and so on.
Therefore, when it comes to a specific calling, one of the most helpful attitudes we can cultivate is being open to how it may unfold.
Other articles on this topic:
Note: If you like to speak to someone about calling, feel free to contact us: https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/comealive/contact-us/
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