Elder mother and her daughter smiling, standing on the sand in the beach. Elder mother and her daughter smiling, standing on the sand in the beach.

Honour a loved one by helping someone in need

Honour a loved one by helping someone in need

Fundraising in memory of a loved one can be a meaningful way to honour their life, while contributing to a cause that you feel would be a fitting tribute.

Create an in memory donation page
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In loving memory

Honour a legacy, support those in need

You could request family and friends to donate in memoriam instead of flowers or gifts. You can personalise the fundraiser page to help people know more about the life you are celebrating, and share the link via social media, email or funeral notice.

Create an online 'In Memory' donation page to celebrate the life of a loved one

The passing of someone we care about is a time to celebrate their life and honour their legacy.

Create an online donation page to share with friends and family and make a meaningful difference with the funds raised together.

Here's how:

  • Create and personalise the donation page
  • Let people know that in lieu of flowers or gifts, donations to the Salvos would be appreciated.
  • Share the page link with friends and family via email, message or as part of the funeral notice
  • Share or mention the page at any funeral or remembrance gatherings

If you would like special funeral donation envelopes, or advice on how to share the page in a physical form, or any other query, please get in touch with our team at communityfundraising@salvationarmy.org.au to find out how we can help.

Create your page now

Let us know how we can help

The Salvos are a national community that can help you and your family in this time of need. We understand that any loss can be overwhelming, and are here to help in any way we can.

Salvos Funerals

Salvos Funerals is a trusted not-for-profit service owned and operated by The Salvation Army. They can support you through the necessary steps, helping relieve the stress of planning a funeral. Reach out to them at https://salvosfunerals.com.au/

Pastoral Care and Local Support

The Salvos are present in communities big and small, rural or metro across Australia. Our wrap around services can support you and your family during the difficult time of losing a loved one. If you need pastoral support, please find a location or service near you at https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/contact-us/ or email us at communityfundraising@salvationarmy.org.au. We’d love to help.

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The Salvation Army Australia is a Christian movement dedicated to sharing the love of Jesus. We share the love of Jesus by caring for people, creating faith pathways, building healthy communities and working for justice.

The Salvation Army Australia acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work and pay our respect to Elders past, present and future.

Five Diversity and Inclusion logos

We value and include people of all cultures, languages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities, gender expressions and intersex status. We are committed to providing programs that are fully inclusive. We are committed to the safety and wellbeing of people of all ages, particularly children.


13 SALVOS (13 72 58)

Gifts of $2 or more to the social work of The Salvation Army in Australia are tax deductible.Details and ABNs

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