
Be a part of something truly rewarding

On average, we respond to an emergency event every day of the year. While we cannot predict when the next disaster will strike, we do know that we can make an impact in the lives of those in need with the valuable and dedicated support of our volunteers and supporters.

Our surge teams (volunteers and Salvo’s personnel) do an incredible job of representing our movement with a caring attitude, a kind word, hot cuppa or nourishing food. But it is not just about the tea and food; it is also the support provided through a sympathetic ear — someone to chat with and meet people at their point of need.

The Salvation Army has developed a strong relationship with state governments to provide a coordinated response and seamless service delivery. Our Emergency Service teams work in evacuation, relief or recovery centres; from small community halls to major city showgrounds. We may be in the field, supporting emergency service agencies from built-up areas, in farmers paddocks, and collaborating with the community as the cleanup begins.

We rely on volunteers, and are always looking for new recruits. All volunteers are required to comply with appropriate state or territory integrity compliance regulations, and our team will help you navigate the relevant requirements for your situation. All Recovery and Response surge volunteers are required to complete foundation training plus (where appropriate) role-specific training, and we will support you in the onboarding process.

How to volunteer with us

Step 1.

Decide which team you would like to volunteer with when an emergency strikes:

Step 2.

Email your application (including relevant skills and experience) through the contact us form.

Step 3.

We will be in touch to discuss your application and next steps. All volunteers are required to submit references, undergo a police check and our training.

We will support you through the process. Our volunteers are on the frontline of our work with vulnerable people in crisis situations - this process helps to ensure the safety of all our people.