Youth services
The Salvation Army Youth Services has a range of programs for young people, their families and the community.
We welcome all people, regardless of race, gender, status, or sexual orientation. We understand that a safe space for growth is created when people feel believed in, valued, listened to and respected. Our centres are safe and supportive environments where you're free to be you.
Emergency contact numbers
- National Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Helpline (24 hours): 1800 737 732 (1800 Respect)
- Lifeline: 131 114
- Kids helpline: 1800 55 1800
- If you are concerned for the immediate safety of yourself or someone else, please call 000 for emergency assistance.
Find help now
Looking for help for you or someone you know? We can help.
Housing and homelessness
Youth homelessness is often invisible. Young people are the most common group to experience couch surfing. This means they are in temporary living situations with friends, relatives or even complete strangers. If you are experiencing homelessness – or are at risk of becoming homeless, we can help you find and sustain safe, suitable and affordable housing.
We have a strong focus on prevention and early intervention. Some of the responses at our services include:
- A broad range of accommodation and housing options – find what you need, including crisis and transitional accommodation, supported residential care, independent living units and education focused housing
- Community-based outreach programs – supporting young people and their families, young parents and young people leaving care
- Life and living skills programs – develop lifelong skills that promote independence
- Holistic case management – supporting young people in: developing healthy relationships; engaging in education, training and employment pathways; enhancing health and wellbeing; and improving social connections
Homelessness can affect anyone. There are many reasons why young people may experience homelessness but, in most circumstances, this is outside of their control. Some reasons include:
- Family breakdown
- Experiences of family and domestic violence
- Abuse
- Neglect
- Mental health issues
- Drug and alcohol misuse
- Long-term unemployment
- Exiting state care
- Intergenerational poverty
- Shortage of affordable housing
Bundaberg Youth Refuge (QLD)
Youth Outreach Service – YOS (QLD)
Oasis Hunter (NSW)
Oasis Central Coast (NSW)
Oasis Sydney (NSW)
Youthlink (NSW)
Townsville Youth AOD Service (QLD) 07 4447 7170
Oasis ACT (ACT) (02) 6288 6248 or (02) 6292 0894
North East Victoria Youth Services (VIC) Youth Refuge Referrals: 0417 038 492 (24 hour service) | Youth Homelessness Support (03) 5820 8000 (Business hours)
North West Metro Melbourne Youth Services (VIC) (03) 9312 3544
Peninsula Youth Services (VIC) (03) 9781 0188
Inner South Youth Refuge and Upton Rd (VIC) (03) 8517 5800 | Free Call 1800 627 727
Tranmere Street (VIC) (03) 9489 5132 | Free Call 1800 627 727
Gippsland Youth Services (VIC) (03) 5662 6400
Burlendi (SA) (08) 8397 9333
Muggy’s Country (SA) (08) 8408 6900
Muggy’s North (SA) (08) 8408 6900
Muggy’s South (SA) (08) 8408 6900
Youth Supported Accommodation (SA) (08) 8397 9333
Transitional Support Service – TSS (WA) (08) 9328 1600 | Free Call 1800 447 797
Oasis House (WA) (08) 9328 1600
Landsdale House (WA) (08) 9328 1600
Karratha Youth Accommodation Service (WA) (08) 9144 1881
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Youth Crisis Accommodation (WA) (08) 9091 1016
Employment and training
Our employment and training programs provide safe, supportive learning environments for young people to pursue future training goals and secure job opportunities.
- Employment orientation programs assist young people to develop a broad range of skills, through employment tasters, volunteering, leadership and mentoring programs
- Access and support for young people to participate in a range of vocational education and training activities
- Work readiness programs that provide opportunities to creatively learn and develop skills that increase employability
- Social enterprise opportunities are provided for young people experiencing barriers to employment. With support, young people gain qualifications and practical employment experience to successfully transition into longer term employment.
Tom Quinn Community Centre (QLD)
Oasis Hunter (NSW)
Oasis Central Coast (NSW)
Youthlink (NSW)
Peninsula Youth Services (VIC) (03) 9781 0188
Some young people may find mainstream schools challenging for many reasons including their family situation, experiences of trauma, bullying and mental health needs. However, young people remaining in education is an important factor in continuing to build independence. It reduces the risks of homelessness and engagement with justice, plus provides opportunities for further education and future training and employment.
Our schools provide a flexible, safe and welcoming space for young people to re-engage with learning and achieve their educational goals. These responses include:
- Independent schools where young people can continue their education.
- Specialist learning support is provided for students to enhance social and emotional learning and wellbeing
- In addition to teachers, we provide a range of support staff, including youth workers, vocational transition workers, psychologists and teacher’s aides
Alcohol and other drugs
Alcohol and other drug use is often thought of as a part of youth culture. But some young people use alcohol and other drugs as a means of coping with things like mental health, stress or peer pressure. Because young people’s brains are still developing, young people are at a greater risk of alcohol and other drug related harm.
Our practices are informed by young people and work to reduce harm by building on young people’s strengths and enhancing health, well-being, independence and resilience. We provide a range of youth focused responses, including:
- Community outreach that provides flexible case management support focusing on health and wellbeing, while also promoting family connection, housing, education, training and participation
- Access to individualised counselling, resources and support
- Residential options that offer therapeutic recovery support
Youth justice
We know that many young people can become involved with the youth justice system. We also know that navigating the justice system is a challenging time for both young people, their families and carers.
Our Youth Justice programs work in partnership with young people to identify the underlying causes of their offending behaviours. We work together to find solutions to overcome these challenges and empower young people to drive their own change.
Our programs have a strong focus on diverting young people from the justice system and promoting transferable and measurable skills that prepare young people for healthy relationships, and positive health and wellbeing. If you are navigating the justice system, our programs may be able to help. They include:
- Outreach case management that connects young people with family, education, training, employment, housing and community
- Restorative justice group conferencing encourages young people to take responsibility for their offending behaviour and develop insight into the impact of their offending on the victim, their family and/or significant others and the community
Youth Outreach Services – YOS (QLD)
Oasis Hunter (NSW)
Oasis Central Coast (NSW)
Oasis Sydney (NSW)
North East Victoria Youth Services (VIC) 0417 038 492
Specialist therapeutic responses
Experienced practitioners deliver specialist one-on-one and group therapeutic responses, that promote the development of positive relationships, allowing young people to build on their strengths, and foster resilience.
Our responses include:
- Therapeutic group work provides formal and intentional opportunities for meaningful discussions, shared learning, positive peer influences and development opportunities
- A focus on psychological wellbeing through counselling, information, resources and support assists young people to build on their strengths and enhance health, wellbeing, independence and resilience
Oasis Sydney (NSW)
Youthlink (NSW)
Upton Road and Tranmere Street (VIC) Upton Rd: (03) 8517 5800 | Tranmere St: (03) 9489 5132 | Free Call 1800 627 727
Peninsula Youth Services (VIC) (03) 9781 0188
North West Metro Melbourne Youth Services (VIC) (03) 9312 3544
Driver training
For a young person without a licence, navigating day-to-day activities can be challenging. If you aren't close to public transport, staying connected to friends or family can be hard and feel isolating. Having a driver licence opens doors to many opportunities that might have otherwise been inaccessible. A licence increases pathways to education and employment, provides greater choice and control in a person’s life, creates a sense of freedom and removes the barriers of social isolation.
If you are having trouble accessing mainstream driving programs, our driving training programs may be able to help. We can help you obtain your learner and/or provisional driver licence, and build your skills as an experienced, safe and confident driver.
Our driving training services include:
- Pre-Learner classes and individual support in preparation for licence tests
- Formal structured driver training by qualified instructors help young people to obtain the necessary competencies to achieve a Provisional driver licence
- Access to structured safe driving courses to enhance a young person’s hazard perception and improve awareness of overall road safety
- Mentoring support from an experienced mentor to develop safe driving practices whilst a young person works towards their required hours.
Find out more about our Driver training programs.
Ask Izzy
A free online directory that assists Australians to find and access support services
Mental health information and support.
Mental health information and support.
Kids Helpline
Counselling information for kids, teens and young adults.
Youth information and resources.
Sexual assault and domestic violence hotline.
Suicide Call Back Service
Telephone and online counselling service for people affected by suicide.
Helpline for protecting children and young people at risk of significant harm.
Child Protection Helpline
Statewide After-Hours Service
Emergency and crisis accommodation.
- 1800 825 955 – 5.00pm to 9.00am Monday to Friday
Entrypoint Perth
- 08 6496 0001
- 1800 124 684 – free call
Crisis Care Helpline
- 08 9223 1111
- 1800 199 008 – free call