To be eligible for a NILS loan you need to be on a low income, such as receiving a Centrelink payment, you are a holder of a Health Care card or have a low household income.
Loans can be used for more than one item and need to be repaid over a period of 12-18 months. Repayment plans are tailored to suit individual circumstances. The amount of a loan is usually less than $1,200 however in some circumstances loans can be up to $1,500.A loan is provided for essential needs and takes a person’s financial capacity to repay the loan into account.
Please remember, Salvos NILS relies on the repayment of loans to enable us to continue providing NILS to other members of the community.
If you are interested in a NILS loan, you will be asked to submit a loan application and we ask you to provide copies of a number of documents, including::
Staff at the Freedom Centre will assist with advice and suggestions about the information the loan selection committee will be wanting to see with your application. However, the Freedom Centre staff do not make the decision whether or not to allow the loan.
If you would like to know more about NILS loans or you would like an application form, you can drop in to the Freedom Centre or call 02 4721 3076
Intake Line: 0437 723 863