GC Team

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Neil Dickson

I’m thrilled to lead the Generous Culture team. It’s inspiring when lives are transformed as people discover the blessing of living generously as a true disciple of Jesus.
And for those who knew my wife and life partner, Major Christine Dickson, you would understand that it is my personal privilege to carry on her generous life legacy.
I come into this role with 11 years’ experience as a Planned Giving Director in the former Australia Eastern Territory. Our terminology and methods have shifted over the years, from planned giving to generous culture. My belief in the foundational Biblical principles of planned giving, stewardship and generosity has not.
My role as a Generous Culture Specialist is to coach, resource and encourage faith expression leaders to disciple their people on a Jesus-centred journey to generosity. This includes teaching people the importance of being good stewards of the financial resources God has given them, helping them learn how to manage their money God’s way, and encouraging them to live and give generously for the benefit of others and God’s kingdom.
My aim is that everyone connected to a Salvos faith community has the opportunity to find the financial freedom and the abundant life God wants for them.
You can reach me via
email: generous.culture@salvationarmy.org.au or neil.dickson@salvationarmy.org.au
Mobile: 0411 204 675
MS Teams:  Neil Dickson

John Elkington

I’m I’m Major John Elkington and have been an Officer just over 20 years. I have had extensive experience in the area of Corps giving having served in the Planned Giving Department which transitioned to Generous Living, in the Australia Southern Territory, and now called Generous Culture which shows the focus we are now seeking: To develop Faith Communities that have a natural culture of generosity that is grown through disciples of a Generous God. My passion has always been to support the frontlines of ministry, where the life transforming work of the Gospel happens. I believe reliance on God to provide the means for self-sufficiency comes through sound teaching from God’s word on how wealth is managed and should be modelled by leaders and lived out in the giving of all of Christ’s followers. I am available to support corps in the tools that can be used to facilitate a solid giving programme which includes recording, reporting and renewing, but also to offer assistance in leading teaching methods that stimulate generous giving in your fellowship of believers that represents an offering to God that is worshipful. I encourage you to check out the many resources that can assist you in a journey to generosity. Feel free to contact me through the details below if you need to talk through what could best work for your particular journey in developing a more generous culture in your faith community.
You can reach me via
or john.elkington@salvationarmy.org.au
0417 678 109

Rendle Williams

Rendle has joined the team as a specialist in the Generous culture space.  He is a life-long salvationist, residing in Brisbane and soldiers at the Brisbane City Temple Corps. 

Feel free to contact him about support for a more generous culture at your corps.