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8 Preaching Principles about Money

2 September 2014

8 Preaching Principles about Money

Please have a look at our resources under Ministry Leaders and you'll see Sermons & teaching ideas.  There are some great ideas and we have just included information and worksheets to assist you in preaching and teaching about money.  There are 8 principles which you can follow:

  1. Don't preach on money only when you need it
  2. Establish a multi-year strategy for preaching on money, stewardship and generosity
  3. Differentiate between stewardship and generosity
  4. How to choose the right theme
  5. How to introduce your series the right way
  6. Treat the tithe as the starting point
  7. Don't apologise
  8. Get radical!

Check these out and please contact Generous Life if you would like support on this exciting journey.



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