Sermons & teaching ideas

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Generosity is a topic found throughout scripture.  It should be preached on regularly. On the areas of finance and giving there are 2350 verses to choose from. This is vital areas God wants us to understand and to teach on.

Here you will find some help with information and sermon outlines and it is hoped they will help you to develop your own material.  

There are some sermon series on videos as well as teaching about generosity, giving and what God's wants for us through our resources, one being our finances.  Listen to the sermons, allow them to inspire you further.  If you have come across some helpful material, we would love to hear from you.

If you would like further assistance and support in this area, please contact your local Generous Culture Coach email

From the Generous Culture Team

Here is a sermon based on Acts 2 and the IMPACT OF GENEROSITY on the lives of all involved then and right through to each one of us today.  Feel free to use this.

The Salvation Army North Brisbane (NBC)

Recently NBC ran a Growing in Generosity series and you'll find links below.  Take note of the interviews at the beginning of each meeting and, of course, the sermons.  You will also find helpful examples of how to introduce the offering ensuring that there is a sense of worship in all that we do, including bringing our financial gifts to God.

More Than Enough





For more information about NBC go to:

Salvation Army series:  

The Generous Life, Blessed to be a blessing”

This is written by Chris Trodden, THQ Resource Production Manager, with a focus on the three key themes:  Honour God, Give Freely, Enable Ministry.  The series will give your corps practical tools and insightful Biblical principles to flourish as they live out a generous life in Christ.

see all the resources for this sermon here -

The Blessed Life Sermon Series - books and video clips

The Blessed Life is from Pastor Robert Morris of the Gateway Church in Dallas.  His books "The Blessed Life" and "The Blessed Church" are highly recommended to encourage and teach and inspire. 

If you would like to watch Pastor Morris present some impacting sermons and teaching you can do so by going here.

Here is a link to the blessed life web page:

The Devotional Book by Gordon MacDonald is the basis for this sermon series.  The devotionals cover 4 weeks. 

Inside every Christian is a God-implanted desire for generous living.  We want to follow the example of Jesus' generosity. We long to help those in need.  But, for numerous rasons, these desires often lie dormant inside us.  How do we shake ourselves from complacency and unleash the joy of giving?  This book explores how generosity is fundamentally intertwined with our Christian DNA. 

Perfect for individual reflection or small-group study, generosity is a powerful tool for anyone that desires to move toward the life that is truly life.  This book is available through your Generous Culture Team.  

We are most like God when we Give - Luke 6: 27-36

How do you determine whether or not you are going to give a gift?  We all have some system of deciding who receives our generosity –and who doesn’t. Thankfully, God’s generosity isn’t based on the worthiness of the recipient…

The first message in this 4 week series asks us to take seriously some of the most well-known sayings of Jesus and actually live them out!  It is an opportunity to have the honour of pointing your congregation toward God’s heart about gifts.  It’s about what God wants FOR us – not from us. It’s about deepening our relationship with Him. 

The following Sermon is broken up into outline and transcript in PDF and Docx



Week Two: Generosity frees us from the dangers of money

Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23

The second message in this four week series focuses on the fact that our generosity directly impacts the way we experience the kingdom of God.  In the parable of the sower, Jesus could have given 1000 reasons for believers missing the Kingdom – but he gave only one – cares of the riches of this world.” Generosity frees us from the thorns of life that so easily choke us out. 

Generosity is a call to action – not just for the good of others, but for our good.  Throw away your “giving chart” and start listening to the voice of God as He calls you to live generously.

The following sermon includes an outline and transcript in both pdf and docx



Generous givers receive a life full of joy

2 Corinthians 8:1-9; 9:15

“God loves a cheerful giver”.  Maybe the best interpretation  of that verse is not that you need to “smile when you give”, but rather, it’s God saying He loves to see the joy that overflows from a generous life! 

This week’s Bible passage reflects that interpretation.  God is not calling us all to live in poverty, but He’s calling us all to experience JOY!  He’s calling us to imitate His ways… He’s calling us to walk away from our lifestyles of materialism and consumerism.  He’s calling us to something that initially feels difficult, but ultimately brings a deep satisfaction that is beyond compare.

The following sermon includes an outline and transcript in pdf and docx



Luke 19:1-10

The final message in this series reminds us that true Biblical generosity is a powerful tool for transformation.

Whenever God prompts you to give – whether it is your money, your time, your abilities or your influence - generosity is intended to transform lives.  (And many times it’s not the recipient, but the one who is giving the gift!)

The Gospel always begins with the generosity of God. Zacchaeus experienced this and was radically transformed.  God wants us to be transformed by his kindness and He invites us into the business of transforming others with our generosity. 

It’s about being a true disciple of Christ.

The following sermon includes an outline and transcript in pdf and docx



Giving generously is genius.  It changes our lives, connects us with others, helps us invest in what matters, frees our hearts….

“Regular saving is wise. Careful spending is prudent. But giving generously is genius.

It is the life that is truly life!”   In The Genius of Generosity, Ingram explores God’s design for giving and how He intends to bless those who become living expressions of His generous heart.

Ingram suggests that the first steps on the road to ‘genius’ include giving the first and the best of our resources in a regular systematic way; that giving generously and in increasing proportion requires great faith; and that the heart of true generosity is a heart of sacrifice and worship.  “God’s wisdom goes so much deeper than human reasoning – an investment in His ways leads to greater fulfilment and joy than most people ever experience.”

He lists four reasons that generosity is really more intelligent than hoarding earthly possessions:

  1. Generosity is genius because it changes our lives.
  2. Generosity is genius because it connects us with others.
  3. Generosity is genius because it helps us invest in what matters.
  4. Generosity is genius because it frees our hearts.

Sermons, Bible studies and small group teaching resources are also available.  Go to


Here are 8 principles which you can follow:










There are videos and other information which accompany this and can be found at

7_attributes_of_a_generous_church.pdf  from  This is well worth a read and you may find areas which would be helpful to focus on with teaching and discussion.



Here is a one page form which can be used by Corps Officers and Ministry Leaders to rate between 0-10 where their corps sits in relation to each of the 7 Attritubes.  Talk to you Generous Life Coach about the results.

"13 Things" has helpful and insightful information. It is when our corps are financially suffering that we may panic but it is a time to think about what steps should be taken:



Where on this ladder would you stand?  What about your corps?  In any corps we will have people from one end to the other and anywhere in between.  And that's ok.  But we need to be moving forward.  This happens as we teach and preach and share the message of Generosity and our responsibility to be good stewards of what God has given us.  Be strategic and intentional in your teaching and you will see spiritual growth and the unleashing of generosity.


Christian Stewardship Network

In years gone by we have really been measuring success in the wrong way.  While the giving and finances are a measure they are not the only measure.  In a corps which is growing in the area of generosity we want to see more happening.  We want to see lives changing, people telling their stories because they have storeis to tell.  When this happens the giving will come because people are opening their hearts to God and out of thankfulness want to give to others in all ways: time, talent and treasures.


Here we see four areas where people sit.  Where do you sit?  The desire is for each of to see what we have is all from God's.  100% belongs to God.  None of if is ours.  Therefore, we are responsible for not only the 10% or more that we may give through our tithe but what we do with the remaining 90%.  How we steward that says a lot about who we acknowledge what we have comes from.  This is a helpful graph to talk through with your leadership in the corps as well as taking it to the people.


WRESTLING WITH THE TITHE?  Then check this out.

This is highly recommended to have a look at.  There are helpful ideas and challenging thinking and attitudes.



5_Ways_to_Grow_Generous_Givers_and_Giving.pdf   Brian Kluth provides this helpful resource. It compliments the clip we have in our video section of Craig & Donna Todd and the story of North Brisbane Corps.  Talk to your coach about how you can put these 5 points in place in your corps and you will see growth.

Here is the same outline but with more explanation of each:  5_Ways_to_Create_a_Generosity_Culture_in_Your_Church.pdf

10 Ideas to Improve Giving in Your Church  

If this is a goal for you and your congregation, then have a serious look at this.  How many are you doing?

"BALANCED" by Andy Stanley

BALANCEDis a 6 part series with ANDY STANLEY.  It is a collection of lessons for times like these that none of us can afford to miss out on.  These can be watched for free.

 You can also view these on youtube.  Just google (balanced andy standly youtube) and you'll get the 6 sessions.  Well worth looking at and create discussion from them.

There are videos and other information which accompany this and can be found at


This sermon is from Bayside after celebrating 6 months of the generosity journey.  There is some great Biblical teaching here which will be helpful.




SCW 1 Worship resources for week 1.doc     sermon and suggested meeting lead

SCW 2 Worship resources for week 2.doc     sermon and suggested meeting lead

SCW 3 Worship resources for week 3.doc     sermon and suggested meeting lead

SCW 4 Worship resources for week 4.doc     sermon and suggested meeting lead

SCW 5 Worship Resources for week 5 .doc     sermon and suggested meeting lead

norm beckett 1.doc    Presnting ourselves

norm beckett 2.doc    Gratitute and Generosity

norm beckett 3.doc    The Challenge of Giving

norm beckett 4.doc    Sacrificial Giving

norm beckett 5.doc    Investing into the Kindom of Heaven

Norm Beckett Notes from TPGC 2010.pdf  a series of talks presented at the 2010 TriTeritorial Conference (as above).

God's plan for man 1.doc     by Rick Warren

God's way of meeting your need 2.doc     by Rick Warren

God's investment Strategy 3.doc     by Rick Warren 

Living Generously 4.doc     by Rick Warren

Living and Giving Abundantly 5.doc     by Rick Warren

God Promises to meet your need.doc     by Rick Warren

NOTES - Bill 1.doc     by Bill Hybel

NOTES - Bill 2.doc     by Bill Hybel

NOTES - Bill 3.doc     by Bill Hybel

NOTES - Bill 4.doc     by Bill Hybel

NOTES - Bill 5.doc     by Bill Hybel

NOTES - Bill 6.doc     by Bill Hybel

NOTES - Bill 7.doc     by Bill Hybel

SD For the Sake of Jesus.doc     by DR Alan Harley

Stewardship and Relation to God.doc     by DR Alan Harley

The Stewardship of Jesus .doc     by DR Alan Harley

The Theology of Stewardship.doc     by DR Alan Harley


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